Monster Hunting
In Style

Customize SteamOS with a Monster Hunter UI theme

Quick Setup/Update Recommended

Includes CSS Theme and SFX Pack
Paste & run in Konsole app

Installation (On Steam Deck)


  • Decky Loader

    Decky Loader is a plugin utility that expands the functionalities of SteamOS' Gaming Mode. Installation instructions are included in the Decky official site.

  • CSS Loader

    A plugin for Decky that enables visual customization via CSS code. This is required for the "MHOnDeck CSS Theme"

  • Audio Loader

    A plugin for Decky that enables sound FX and background music customization. This required for the "MHOnDeck SFX Pack"

Quick Setup

Access this webpage in Desktop Mode on your Steam Deck. Use the "1-Click Copy" button to copy an installation command to the clipboard. Search for the Konsole app and open a new window. Paste the clipboard contents onto the Konsole.
Voila! This command downloads the latest Homebrew Set containing both the CSS Theme and SFX Pack. To update, rerun through these steps as this will overwrite the previously installed versions of both sets. This will not affect any other installed themes and SFX packs on your Steam Deck.

Install via 1-Click CommandInstall via 1-Click Command

Manual Setup


Download the "MHOnDeck CSS Theme" and unzip the contents onto home/deck/homebrew/themes
Download the "MHOnDeck SFX Pack" and unzip the folder contents onto home/deck/homebrew/sounds

Extraction ZIPExtraction ZIP 2
P.S. If you do not see either folder, create them manually following the directory structure above.

Finalizing Setup

Next, return to Gaming Mode, access the CSS Loader plugin from the Decky store, then "Refresh" at the bottom. You will now see "MHOnDeck CSS Theme" as an option which you can enable.

Lastly, on Decky, visit the Audio Loader plugin and click on "Manage Packs", then "Refresh". Check the dropdown again for "MHOnDeck SFX Pack" and select to enable it.

When updating, repeat these steps for the latest changes to take effect.

P.S. CSS Loader allows multiple "Profiles" so you can toggle between different sets of CSS themes, to keep your SteamOS Gaming Mode experience fresh at any time. Also, the "MHOnDeck CSS Theme" is designed to be used FULLY standalone. If you have other CSS Loader themes enabled at the same time, certain elements of this theme MAY break.

Installation (On Windows)


  • CSSLoader Desktop

    A Windows app version of CSS Loader which enables visual customization via CSS code. This is required for the "MHOnDeck CSS Theme" and is applied to Steam Big Picture Mode.


Download and install the "CSSLoader Desktop" app from the requirements section. Make sure to enable Developer Mode on Windows as instructed. Next, click on "Manage" then "Open Themes Directory"
Windows Installation Screenshot 1
Download the latest version of "MHOnDeck CSS Theme" and extract it into the themes directory. The theme should be in its own subfolder residing within the 'homebrew/themes' folder.
Windows Installation Screenshot 2
Lastly, on CSSLoader Desktop, click on "Themes" then "Refresh Injector" and enable the "MHOnDeck CSS Theme"
Windows Installation Screenshot 3

P.S. CSSLoader Desktop has the same "Profiles" feature as the Steam Deck's Decky plugin. Use this if you want the "MHOnDeck CSS Theme" enabled separately from other CSS themes that you may have installed.